Shig is a specialized service designed to share interactive livestreams across the Fediverse. It using just ActivityPub to exchange live streams between independent instances. Shig is highly decentralized and does not require an intermediary signaling server.
Shig is still a work in progress.

Foto von Alina Grubnyak auf Unsplash
Interactive live streaming

Shig would lets you do cool stuff during live streams like having multiple guests, chatting across different fediverse instances, showing ads in streams without tracking users, doing stream raids across instances..

Shig has a PeerTube extension because it aims to extend federated applications, enabling users to seamlessly share live streams across various platforms.

Shig: distribute and clone live streams among Fediverse instances
Talk on the FOSDEM 2024
In the talk at FOSDEM’24, we demonstrated how interactive live streaming is possible within the Fediverse. Towards the end, it became evident how crucial bandwidth estimation is, and this will be the next major feature in Shig.
Decentralized, distributed video streaming.

Live streaming is resource-intensive and therefore expensive and complex to operate.
Shig is intended to enable a federative video streaming. Decentralized and distributed Shig services can share the streaming load among themselves.